HEE HEE so cute
That was rly funny, cept the voices were waaaaaaay too fast
HEE HEE so cute
That was rly funny, cept the voices were waaaaaaay too fast
Ending was the best
Terrible graphics but very funny. But i cant tell how a rampaging dinosaur and a flying baby has to do wiht global warming....
Very very funny, but i didnt understand the end all so well
for some reason im immune to bannanapholitis, but its a good song anyway, and great movie. Rly funny!
its rated mild adult themes so im guessing the end wasn't just the knight playing with the action figure on the boy....... any way, the way the boy shouted for help, nice work on that. The graphics are finer which is good but there isn't any shading which can sometimes make it look crappy. Overall, it well and carefully done
Well, i had my share of any movie with pink in it
the voices at the end were funny, but the rest is plain. add a background at least
Eh, you could do better
Very cute, and good style, but the music was a lil too, whats the word... childish. But it sorta freaked me out when a flower grew from his head. *shivers*
good, but too short
maybe u might wanna make a little variety in the gaurds, and add more background
mostofthe otherrunescape movies r rs classic. its rare to find a rs2 movie. also, that guy wuz a FREKIN idiot to actualy hide his lvl
OOOOK,got nemore?
ya need to show more than 1 guy pwnin another. whoopdeedoo.
i go vertigo
Age 31, Male
Linguistic Studies
In bed sleeping
Joined on 5/19/06