So sickening it makes you smile!
With the drums i can't see any way you were able to fit in piano and technical sounds. begining sounds classical, ending sounds midi organ/rave/techno. I gotta say this is quite ingenious
So sickening it makes you smile!
With the drums i can't see any way you were able to fit in piano and technical sounds. begining sounds classical, ending sounds midi organ/rave/techno. I gotta say this is quite ingenious
There are quite a few elements in this piece, that i'll admit. Though not all of it was intentional at first! It just kinda flung itself here and there, and I had no choice but to totally listen to it :(.
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
my computer is all black, and when I look into my screen while listening, it feels like my screen is going to kill me. Thanks for that... experience.
oh noes! I hope you have your Windows CD's handy! It's like Garlic and stakes for vampires for them!
I'm glad you had an experience though, thats why these pieces are up here!
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! :D
I also apologize for the late response :(
The climax was amazingly introduced. I love the effects you choose too, you didn't just jumble a bunch of sounds in. Your classical song experience lights up in the song better than a arc. well done
It's true, thankfully I was able to throw in a whole lot of orchestral in there to make my sore lack of electronic music somewhat hidden :D! The original song was to be built purely with electronic synths, but my lacking collection of samples and synths made it a task I wasn't ready for.
*busts out the orchestra*
yeah, that helped!
Thanks for the review, i'm glad you liked it! ^^
very nice
The man stood up. Smiling he took his supplies and stepped from his home. He looked at the land, spreading as far as the horizon, lit with a dim white light from the morning sun. A hawk fly overhead, outlined the scape in its wake. He was finally ready leave. That what I saw.
And you saw well. A grand adventure was probably in the books for this man. Hopefully, he would be able to return home, to tell people of it. As many grand adventures close their final chapter with the death of their hero.
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
I also apologize for the late response :(
Look at the sky...
I only just started playing maplestory. This would be a wonderful song for it too. 1:it also reminds me of the hobit. 2: Scientists prove you BREATHE better whilst listening to this song.
Scientists DO like to use their funding for research that would clearly prove something nobody bothered to ask about :D!
But when you mention it, I suppose this would go well with the Maplestory scene. I get the hobit scene quite a bit, I suppose it's the English horn melody.
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it!
The three brothers knelt before the statue of their father. A great man, always caring. Their footsteps echoed in the dimly lit monastary. "We will not let you down, Father." A really good peice that makes you close your eyes and think.
and a great image to go with it. I really liked the sentiment runescapeop. To have a statue of this man, he must have been somebody truly great.
Thank you for the review, i'm glad you liked it! I apologize for the late response :(
Two knights sit, the shadows of flame dancing among the trees. Never knowing where to go, they sit, always together, always united. They stand for each other, ready to fight, protect, die. Nice job once again
a perfect scenerio and story for the song runescapeop. The sentiments within this story is that exactly of what I imagined while creating it.
Thank you for the story and review, i'm glad you liked it!
I also apologize for the late response :(
its hard to beleive ur drunk and ya made this. its perfectly with the tune. except the endings all too sudden
this is the kind of music you can listen to while playing a boss which is what im looking for :)
way too good 2 b on newgrounds and not in stores.
i go vertigo
Age 31, Male
Linguistic Studies
In bed sleeping
Joined on 5/19/06